Welcome to KD4WOV’s Zello Page

Hello Everyone, I have started using zello after not using it for several years. I have found a group of hams, new hams, and some inspiring to become hams in a channel “Amateur Radio (HAM Radio). If you get a chance to join us please feel free to say hello.

The channel Was started By Kaustav Saha VU2UUU in India. I am a new arrival to the channel. I wish to thank him for creating the channel and for the QSO or conversation this after noon (9-17-17 EST) he stayed up to just after Midnight his local time to talk with me. I look Forward to talking with him often in the future.

Now to the good part. We encourage those who are new hams and to those are not hams but would like to find out more about ham radio and learn about ham radio. We encourage the exchange of information and want to create a place to learn while having a good time.

Edited 9-17-17